Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/180

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Errors in Paging. In first part none of consequence. In second part 168 numbered 186, and so to the end, thus making an error in excess of 18.

Permission to print the work was given on 5th April 1635. The Dedication is signed by the Author ‘Iacobvs Hvmivs, Theagrius Scotus.’ On the last page (p. 116) of the first part will be found the passage relating to Napier’s burial-place, &c., part of which is quoted at p. 426 of the Memoirs. The two celebrated propositions by Napier are Nos. 117 & 120 of the second part.

Libraries, Adv. Ed.; Un. Ed.; Roy. Soc. Lon.;

Primvs Liber|Tabvlarvm Directionvm.|Discentivm Prima Elemen-|ta Astronomiz necessarius &|utilissimus.|His Insertvs Est Canon|fecundus ad singula scrupula qua-|drantis propagatus.|Item Nova Tabvla Clima-|tum & Parallelorum, item umbrarum.|Appendix Canonvm Secvndi| Libri Directionum, qui in Regiomontani|opere desiderantur.|Avtore Erasmo|Rheinholdo Salueldensi|Cum gratia & priuilegio Czsaree &|Regiz Maiestatis. |

Tvbinge Apvd Hære|des Vlrici Morhardi. Anno|M.D. LIIII.|

[Printed in black and red.]

4°. Size 8 x 5 3/4 inches.

In describing the formation of the Logarithmic Table, in section 59 of the Constructio, Napier says that Reinhold’s common table of sines (or any other more exact) will supply the values for filling in the natural sines in columns 2 and 6, and the table of sines in this work (“Canon Sinvvm Vel Semissivm Rectarvm In Circvlo Svbtensarvm.”, fol 114), was probably the one he made use of.

Libraries. Trin. Col. Dub.;

Benjaminis Ursini|Sprottavi Silesi|In Electorali Brandenburgico Gymnasio|Vallis Joachimicæ,|Cursus| Mathematici|Practici|Volumen Primum|continens| Illustr. & Generosi DN.|{{right|DN.