Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/23

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into English, The latter was reprinted in 1620 only. This neglect is no doubt largely accounted for by the advantage for practical purposes of tables computed to the base 10, an advantage which Napier seems to have been aware of even before he had made public his invention in 1614.

For the completeness of the Catalogue I am very largely indebted to the Librarians of the numerous libraries referred to. I most cordially thank them for their kind assistance, and for the very great amount of trouble they have taken to supply me with the information I was in search of. To Mr Davidson Walker my hearty thanks are also due for assistance in collating works in London libraries.

I have only to add that any communications regarding un-catalogued editions or works relating to Napier will be gladly received.


1 Forres Street, Edinburgh,
December 25, 1888.