Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/69

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degree at the bottom and the minutes in the same line to the right. Reinhold’s common table of sines, or any other more exact, will supply you with these values.

Having done this, compute, by 49 and 50, the logarithms of all sines between radius and its half, and by 54, the logarithms of the other sines; however, you may, with both greater accuracy and facility, compute, by the same 49 and 50, the logarithms of all sines between radius and the sine of 45 degrees, and from these, by 58, you very readily obtain the logarithms of all remaining arcs less than 45 degrees, Having computed these by either method, enter in the third column the logarithms corresponding to the degree at the top and the minutes to the left, and to their sines in the same line at left side; similarly enter in the fifth column the logarithm corresponding to the degree at the bottom and the minutes to the peo and to their sines in the same line at right side.

Finally, to form the middle column, subtract each logarithm on the right from the logarithm on the left in the same line, and enter the difference in the same line, between both, until the whole is completed.

We have computed this Table to each minute of the quadrant, and we leave the more exact elaboration of it, as well as the emendation of the table of sines, to the learned to whom more leisure may be given.
