Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/439

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eth. ann. 14}
Pilling, J. C., bibliographic work of xlii, xlviii, xlix
Pima, cultivation of cotton by the 350
—, Friar Marcos among the 356
Pine nuts, use of as food 517, 518
Pison nuts, use of, as food 517, 522
Pipes of the Menomini 159, 247, 253
—, found at Sikyatki 519
Pipestone quarries in Minnesota xxxv
Pitahaya, native American fruit 515
Pizarro, Francisco, purchases Alvarado's expedition 352
—, struggles of, in Peru 37
Plains, Spanish soldiers lost on 508
—, descriptions of Indians of 527, 578, 580
—, see Great plains. 0
Plants used as tobacco 250
—, see Medicine. 0
Plums of great plains 528
Plumstone game of the Menomini 241
—, in Menomini myth 188
Fobares, F., death of 499, 500
Poison, native, of Sonora 537, 541
—, use of, by indians 500, 502
Poisoned arrows discussed 284
Pontiac, hostility of, toward English 18
—, ball game during conspiracy of 130
—, Menomini participation in conspiracy of 51
Population of the Menomini 17, 32
—, proportion of warriors to 33
—, statistics, difficulties of obtaining 33
Porcupine, folktale of the 210
—, found by Coronado at Cibola 560
Potawatomi and Ottawa intermarriage 44
—, and Ottawa relationship 44
—, at Braddock's defeat 16
—, dreamer society of the 157
—, habitat of, in 1634 15
—, story of Nanaboojoo 207
Potsherds in Wisconsin mounds 38
Pottery formerly made by Menomini 257
—, found at Sikyatki 519
—, of pueblo Indians 522
Poultry houses of the Menomini 255
Powell, J. W., on Indian linguistic stocks 525
—, stone knives collected by 283
Powoiysnoit, Menomini treaty signer 28
Prairie dogs seen by Coronado on great plains 510, 528
Presents, distribution of, at Mitawit ceremony 104
Price, C. M., Menomini treaty commissioner 21
Prickly pear, see Tuna. 0
Priests of pueblo Indians 518
—, see Medicine-men. 0
Property. Menomini inheritance of 43
—, marks on arrows 278
Prosopis juliflora, see Mesquite. 0
Prostitution among the Tahus 513
Prunes, wild, found by Coronado 507, 582, 591
Psychology, work in xlv
Ptolemy, maps in geography of, cited 403
Puala. Espejo's name for Tiguex pueblo 496
Publications, repart on xlviii
Pueblo, use of term by Niza 358
—, method of building 520
—, settlements, description of, by Colorado river indians 404
—, settlements, description of, by Sonora indians 366
Puerco river, pueblos on 491
Purcell. —, on proportion of warriors to population 33
Purificacion, defense of, in Mixton war 409
Pyromancy among Algonquian tribes 153
Quachichules, see Guachichules. 0
Quarez, Agoniez, wounded at Cibola 557
Quebec, Menomini at siege of 16
Querechos, description of 527, 578
—, description of, by Coronado 580
—, description of, by Jaramillo 587
—, identified with Tonkawa 396
—, manner of life of 504
Queres, pueblos of the 525
Quince juice, use of. as poison antidote 537, 541
Quirix, Spaniards visit province of 503, 519, 525
—, see Queres. 0
Quivers of the Menomini 281
Quivira, causes for stories of Turk regarding 588
—, cartographic history of 403, 544
—, descriptions of, received by Coronado 393, 576, 580
—, departure of Coronado for 503
—, visited by Coronado lvii, 508, 396
—, description of 521, 577
—, description of, by Coronado 582
—, description of, by Jaramillo 589
—, mention of 492
—, death of Friar Padilla at 401
Rabbit and the panther, folktale of 221
—, and the saw-whet, folktale of 200
—, in Menomini myth 87, 113, 126
—, in Potawatomi myth 207
—, rock, myth of the 117
—, skins, use of, for garments 517
Raccoon and the blind men, folktale of 211
Races of the Menomini 245
—, see Foot-race. 0
Rafts made for Diaz by Colorado river Indians 407
—, use of, in crossing Colorado river 486
Rain, worship of, by pueblo indians 561
—, ceremony of the Menomini 150
—, Menomini mythic origin of 40
Rainmaker among the Menomini 150
Ramirez de Vargas, Luis, see Vargas. 0
Ramusio, G. B., translation of Mendoza's letter by 349
—, translation of Coronado's letter by 552
—, quotation from 554, 556
Rattle described and figured 148
—, gourd, of the Menomini 77, 78
—, in Menomini ceremony 81
—, mystic origin of 93
Reaume, Judge, on Menomini intermarriage 35
Redbird in Menomini myth 235