Page:The Cottagers of Glenburnie - Hamilton (1808).djvu/203

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that we do not use?" said the farmer. "We send our bairns to the schule, and we take them to the kirk, and we do our best to set them a good example. I ken na what we could do mair."

"You are a good man," said Mrs Mason, with complacency; "and happy will it be for your children, if they follow your example. But let us drop all allusion to them in particular, and speak only of training up youth to virtue, as a general principle. By what you say, you think it sufficient to sow the seed; I contend for the necessity of preparing the soil to receive it; and say, that without such preparation, it will never take root, nor vegetate."

"I canno' contradict you," returned the farmer; "but I wish you to explain it better. If you mean that we ought to give our bairns lessons at hame, I can tell you we have not time for it, nor are we book-learned eneugh to make fine speeches to them, as the like of you