Page:The Cottagers of Glenburnie - Hamilton (1808).djvu/364

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the result of a little labour and attention; but so great was the effect thus produced, that though the furniture was not nearly so costly as the furniture of her room at Mrs MacClarty's, it appeared in all respects superior.

Mrs Morison was highly gratified by the approbation bestowed upon her labours; and pointing to her two little girls, told Mrs Mason how much they had done to forward the work, and that they were proud to find her pleased with it. Mrs Mason thanked them, and presented each with a ribbon as an encouragement for good behaviour; assuring them at the same time, that they would through life find happiness the reward of usefulness. "Alas," said Mrs Morison, "they must be obliged to work: poor things, they have nothing else to depend on!"

"And on what can they depend so well as on their own exertions?" replied Mrs Mason; "let them learn to excel in what they do, and look to the blessing of God