Page:The Cottagers of Glenburnie - Hamilton (1808).djvu/374

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to be the ruling principle with all those pretenders to extraordinary sanctity."

"Ah, madam," said Mr Gourlay, "pride is a powerful adversary; it never fails to find out the weak part, and is often in possession of the fortress, while we are employing all our care to guard the outworks. If these enthusiasts do some mischief, by leading weak people into error, they likewise are, I doubt not, in some instances, the means of doing good. If they are the means of exciting us, who are the regular shepherds of the flock, to greater vigilance, they will do much good."

"Pardon me, sir," said Mrs Mason, "if I have the boldness to differ from you: but indeed I have seen so much malignity, so much self conceit, and presumption, among these professors of evangelical righteousness, that I should suppose their doctrines were at war with the pure morality of the Gospel."

"The spirit of party must be ever adverse to the spirit of the Gospel," replied