Page:The Cottagers of Glenburnie - Hamilton (1808).djvu/44

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twopence over and above the price, but a bit of sweet-cake, which I immediately put in my pocket, saying, I would take it to my mother. This brought on some questions, the result of which was an order to come to the castle daily for my mother's dinner. Never, never, shall I forget the joy of heart with which I went home with these glad tidings; nor the pious gratitude with which my mother returned her thanks to God for this unlooked-for mercy! She hoped that I would gain the favour of my benefactors by my diligence and industry, and she was not disappointed. The housekeeper spoke of me to her lady, who desired that when I next came I might be taken up to her room, that she might see me. Her orders were obeyed next day, and with trembling limbs and a beating heart did I approach her. She asked me several questions, and was so well satisfied with my answers, that she said she was sure I was a good girl, and that she would give me education to make