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themſelves, thoſe animals that live on vegetables, than thoſe that live on animals.—Ibid. p. 24.—There is nothing more certain, than that the greater ſuperiority the concoctive powers have over the food, or the ſtronger the concoctive powers are in regard of the things to be concocted, the finer the chyle will be; the circulation the more free, and the ſpirits the more lightſome, that is, the better will the health be.—Ibid. p. 27.—It is ſurprizing to what a great age the eaſtern Chriſtians, who retired from the perſecutions into the deſarts of Egypt and Arabia, lived healthful on a very little food. St. Anthony lived to 105 years on mere bread and water, adding only a few herbs at laſt. James, the hermit, to 104. Arſenius, the tutor of theEmperor