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[ 105 ]

of grain; on which he beſtows very deſerved encomiums; thence he paſſes to fruits of trees and ſhrubs, and from thence to the alimentary leaves, of which he ſays, "Of alimentary leaves, the olera, or pot herbs, afford an excellent nouriſhment; amongſt thoſe are the cole or cabbage kind, emolient, laxative, and reſolvent, alkaleſcent, and therefore proper in caſes of acidity. Red cabbage is reckoned a medicine in conſumptions and ſpittings of blood. Amongſt the pot herbs are ſome lacteſcent plants, as lettuce, endive, and dandelion, which contain a moſt wholeſome juice, reſolvent of the bile, anodyne, and cooling; extremely uſeful in all diſeaſes of the liver. Artichokes contain a rich nutritious ſtimulating juice. Of alimentary roots, ſome are pulpyand