Page:The Cry of Nature.pdf/126

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[ 111 ]

"If the ſame liquid be farther fermented it will yield vinegar, which could not be obtained from the liquid before, either in its original or vinous ſtate. This is, therefore, called the acetous fermentation."

"The third ſtate of fermentation is putrefaction, by which the ſubſtance is converted firſt into a mucilage and afterwards into calcareous earth; marine and other acids, and volatile alcali, which eſcaping with a portion of oily, mattery occaſions the diſagreeable ſmell ariſing from putrefying ſubſtances."

"Animal ſubſtances can only paſs through the latter ſtage (putrefaction), and therefore have probably already undergone theformer,