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[ 104 ]

"The carnivorous tribes can by no means fubfift without fleſh."

Buffon's Nat. Hiſt. vol. iv. p. 193.

The laſt aſſertion, however, is confuſed in the moſt pointed manner; not only by the practice of Hindoſtan, where many millions of men, ſubſiſt entirely on vegetables, but even by the example of the peaſantry of moſt countries in Europe, who taſte fleſh ſo ſeldom, that it cannot be ſuppoſed to contribute in the leaſt to their welfare.

(7.) "Theſe are the reproaches which in all periods have been thrown upon man, in a ſtate of ſociety, by certain auſtere and ſavage philoſphers.—Did this ſtate of ideal innocence, of exalted temperance, ofentire