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[ 122 ]

(14.) Their preſervation depends in general upon the protection of men, while man in return receives from them the moſt eſſential ſervices. To them at leaſt the moral ſcheme ſhould extend.

"Is it not highly unreaſonable, ſays Porphyrius, de Abſtin. Lib. III. to aſſert, that with men totally addided to their paſſions, men who ſacrifce every thing to luſt, barbarity, rapacity, and vengeance, with men, in ſhort, who exceed in cruelty the moſt ferocious animals, with parricides, for inſtance, with murderers, and ruffians of the moſt flagitious deſcription, with tyrants, and the miniſters of tyranny, the rules of juſtice ſhould be obſerved; and ſhall juſtice be denied to the huſbandman ((Symbol missingGreek characters)) ox,to