Page:The Curious Republic of Gondour, and Other Whimsical Sketches.djvu/125

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Your Honor and Gentleman: We, the jury charged with the duty of determining whether the prisoner at the bar, Daniel McFarland, has been guilty of murder, in taking by surprise an unarmed man and shooting him to death, or whether the prisoner is afflicted with a sad but irresponsible insanity which at times can be cheered only by violent entertainment with firearms, do find as follows, namely:

That the prisoner, Daniel McFarland, is insane as above described. Because:

1. His great grandfather’s stepfather was tainted with insanity, and frequently killed people who were distasteful to him. Hence, insanity is hereditary in the family.

2. For nine years the prisoner at the bar did not adequately support his family. Strong circumstantial evidence of insanity.

3. For nine years he made of his home, as a general thing, a poor-house; sometimes (but very rarely) a cheery, happy habitation; frequently the den of a beery, drivelling, stupefied animal; but never, as far as ascertained,