Page:The Curse at Farewell.pdf/62

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Source of the Plot

coming out of m body thou mayest have in view what gratitude dictateth.’

“Receiving then the science imparted to him by his preceptor, ripping open his stomach the handsome Brahmana Kacha came out like the moon at evening in the fifteenth day of the lighted fortnight. And, beholding the remains of his preceptor, Kacha revived him with the aid of the science he had received. . . .

“The learned Sukra, having been deceived while under wine, and remembering the total loss of consciousness that is one of the terrible conse- quences of drink, and beholding too before him the handsome Kacha whom he had, in a state of unconsciousness, drunk with his wine, then thought of effecting a reform in the manners of

the Brahmanas. The high-souled Usana, rising up ’ from the ground, in anger then spoke as follows : ‘That wretched Brihmana who from this da . . . . . will, being unable to resist the temptation, drink wine, shall be regarded as having lost his virtue, shall be reckoned to have committed the sin of slaying a Brahmaaga, shall be hated both in this and the other world. [ set this limit to the conduct and dignity of Brahmanas everywhere. [et the honest, let Brahmanas, let those regardful of their superiors, let the Gods, let the three worlds listen!’ Having said these words, that high-souled one, that ascetic of ascetics, then summoning the Danavas who

had been deprived by fate of their good sense told