Page:The Cutter's Practical Guide Part 13.djvu/39

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West Yorkshire Regiments—of scarlet, with roll collar of buff, shoulder straps and cuffs, white Marcela vest, with roll collar and three buttons.

East Yorkshire Regiments—Jacket of scarlet,with roll collar of white cloth, scarlet shoulder straps and regimental cuffs, whitewashing vest of regimental pattern.

Bedfordshire Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet,with roll collar, scarlet shoulder straps, white cuffs, with white slashes, and three buttons on slashes, and loops of twisted white cord, vest of scarlet cloth, and four buttons of regimental pattern.

Leicestershire Regiments.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, white cloth vest of regimental pattern.

Royal Irish Regiments.—Jacket of scarlet,with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, roll collar vest, with four buttons.

Yorkshire Regiments—Jacket of scarlet,with roll collar of green cloth. green cloth shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of green cloth, made without collar.

Lancashire Fusiliers—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of scarlet silk, scarlet shoulder straps, white culls, regimental pattern vest.

Royal Scots Regiments—Jacket of scarlet with roll collar of blue, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of tartan of regimental pattern.

Cheshire Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest and lapels.

Royal Welsh Fusiliers—Jacket of scarlet,with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of black cloth, with four buttons.

South Wales Borderers—Jacket of scarlet, roll collar of white cloth, scarlet shoulder straps, white cuffs, regimental waistcoat.

King's Own Scottish Borderers.—Jacket of scarlet, roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and gauntlet cuffs, vest of Leslie tartan, roll collar and three buttons.

Inniskilling Fusillers—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of blue, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of regimental pattern.

Gloucester Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of red, with white silk lacing, scarlet shoulder straps, white culls. vest of scarlet, opening1r inch below stud of shirt, fastening with three buttons.

Worcester Regiment—jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of green cloth, shoulder straps and cuffs, same as jacket, regimental vest.

East Lancashire Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of white cloth, regimental shoulder straps, white cuffs, scarlet cloth vest.

East Surrey Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of regimental pattern from scarlet cloth.

Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.—jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of crimson silk, scarlet cloth shoulder straps, and white cloth regimental pattern vest.

West Riding Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of crimson, scarlet shoulder straps, with white cuffs 2¾ inches deep, with three pointed scarlet flaps, 5½; inches deep and 2¼ inches wide at the point on the flaps, and three buttons of regimental pattern.

Border Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps, cuffs, and vest.

Royal Sussex Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of blue cloth, blue shoulder straps, cuffs of the gauntlet shape, with red silk slashes, 6 inches deep at the points, four buttons on slashes, vest of regimental pattern.

Hampshire Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental collar, cuffs, and vest.

South Staffordshire Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of plain white cloth.

Dorsestshire RegimentJacket of scarlet, with roll collar of white cloth, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, white washing vest of regimental pattern.

South Lancashire Regiments.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of white silk, scarlet shoulder straps, white cuffs with slashes and three buttons, the vest of regimental pattern.

Welsh RegimentJacket of scarlet, with roll collar of crimson silk, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, scarlet cloth vest of regimental pattern.

Oxfordshire Light Infantry.—Jacket of scarlet, roll collar of scarlet silk, scarlet shoulder straps, white cuffs of ½ gauntlet pattern, four buttons in front, white washing vest of regimental pattern.

Essex Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of black silk, regimental shoulder straps, cuffs and vest.

Derbyshire Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of green cloth, scarlet shoulder straps and cuffs, regimental vest.

Loyal North Lancashire Regiment.—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of white cloth,scarlet shoulder straps, white cuffs, scarlet cloth vest, with white silk lining.

Northamptonshire Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps, cuffs and vest.

Royal Berkshire Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar, regimental shoulder straps and culls, blur cloth vest.

Royal West Kent Regiment—Jacket of scarlet, with roll collar of blue velvet, regimental shoulder straps, blue velvet cuffs, gauntlet shape, slashed with red silk, six buttons in pairs, vest of white Marcela. with roll collar and six buttons.

Yorkshire Light Infantry—Jacket of scarlet, roll collar of blue cloth, regimental shoulder straps and cuffs, vest of blue cloth: edges and pockets trimmed with gold cord, fastened with three buttons.