Page:The Cycle Industry (1921).djvu/97

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without brakes, free wheel, or mud guards. Fitted with very light tubular tyres on wood rims and the lightest possible saddle. Weight varies from 20 to 25 lbs.

2. The light roadster. This type has 1⅜ in. tyres, steel or wood rims, one brake, free wheel, celluloid or very light steel mudguards. A single gear is used and rat-trap pedals. Weight 25 to 30 lbs.

3. The light touring roadster. The specification of a typical model will be 1⅜ to 1½ in. tyres, steel rims, heavier mudguards than No. 2, a three speed hub gear, a slightly heavier saddle, two brakes. Weight 30 to 35 lbs.

4. The touring roadster. This type is sometimes facetiously termed a Dreadnought. Its equipment will be: 28 in. wheels, 1¾ in. tyres, two brakes, metal or leather gear case, three-speed hub gear, three-coil heavy saddle, wide rubber pedals, splashguard, and luggage carrier. Weight up to 50 lbs.

None of the above includes accessories such as bell, lamps, toolbag, touring valise, or other impedimenta which may be necessary when touring, and which may add from 5 lbs. to 7 lbs. to the weight.

Some riders will start out for a week's tour and ride one of the lightest of bicycles, say, the No. 2, and by sending on luggage by post or rail manage quite well and be happy and comfortable. Another would not think of going out for a week-end ride without carrying his own luggage on a No. 4, with lamps, bell, toolbag, etc.

The speed of the rider of No. 2 would possibly average 12 miles an hour, whilst he on No. 4 would be quite satisfied with 8 miles per hour, or even less.