Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/17

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god that it would pleaſe him to deliuer thē from the danger of this greedy Woolfe.

And although they had practiſed all the meanes that men could deuiſe to take this rauenous beaſt, yet vntill the Lord had determined his fall, they could not in any wiſe preuaile: notwithſtanding they daylye continued their purpoſe, and daylye ſought to intrap him, and for that intent continually maintained great maſtyes and Dogges of muche ſtrength to hunt & chaſe the beaſt wherſoeuer they could finde him. In the end it pleaſed God as they were in readines and prouided to meete with him, that they ſhould eſpye him in his wooluiſhe likenes, at what time they beſet him round about, and moſte circumſpectlye ſet their Dogges vpon him, in ſuch ſort that there was no means to eſcape, at which aduantage they neuer could get him before, but as the Lord deliuered Goliah into ye handes of Dauid, ſo was this Woolfe brought in danger of theſe men, who ſeeing as I ſaide before no way to eſcape the imminent danger, being hardly purſued at the heeles preſently he ſlipt his girdle from about him, wherby the ſhape of a Woolfe cleane auoi- ded,
