Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/5

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In the townes of Cperadt and Bedbur neer vnto Collin in high Germany, there was continually brought vp and nouriſhed one Stubbe Peeter, who from his youth was greatly inclined to euill, and the practiſing of wicked Artes euen from twelue yeers of age till twentye, and ſo forwardes till his dying daye, inſomuch that ſurfeiting in the Damnable deſire of magick, negromancye, and ſorcery, acquainting him ſelfe with many infernail ſpirites and feendes, inſomuch that forgetting ye God that made him, and that Sauiour that ſhed his blood for mans redemption: In the end, careles of ſaluation gaue both ſoule and body to the deuil for euer, for ſmall carnall pleaſure in this life, that he might be famous and ſpoken of on earth, though he loſt heauen thereby. The Deuill who hath a readye eare to liſten to the lewde motions of curſed men, promiſed to give vnto him whatſoeuer his hart deſired during his mortall life: wherupon this vilde wretch neither deſired riches nor promotion, nor was his fancy ſatiſfied with any externall or outward pleaſure, but hauing a tirannous hart, and a moſt cruell bloody
