Page:The Dancing Master, Playford, 1686.djvu/244

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Longways for as many as will.

The two women fall back, and the two men fall back at the ſame time; then all four meet, and hands acroſs half round, and fall back again; then all four meet, and hands acroſs, and go half round into their own places.

The firſt and ſecond man ſet, the women do the like, then the ſecond man caſt off into the ſecond woman’s place, and the firſt man caſt off into the firſt woman’s place; the two women ſet, and do the like. Both Couple turns their own Partners, and the firſt Couple caſt off, and ſet to their Partners, then turn their own Partners again. The firſt man ſet to the ſecond man, and the firſt woman to the ſecond woman; then all four meet and clap hands, and hands quite round.