Page:The Death-Doctor.djvu/165

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fully oiled keys on both. The first had its own key in the lock inside. The second was clear, but was of no use to me. I turned the lock easily with one of my keys, but the door was bolted as well.

I then tried some pliers on the key of the other door, and in ten seconds I stood within the scullery of my house of call.

My first action was to re-lock the door, knowing as I did that policemen have a nasty habit of looking round and noticing open windows, doors, etc. The key was left in so that my retreat would be hindered only for a moment, should I have to hurry home.

Walking slowly and quietly, I made my way to the smoking-room I knew so well. Everything was absolutely quiet, and by the aid of my electric torch, occasionally used, I arrived without a sound at my destination. This was the wall on which, hung the elaborate pipe-rack, in which, carefully arranged, was the collection of pipes smoked regularly by my one-time companion and opponent.

Now to make matters safe.

Out of my pocket came the glass tubes.

These, by the light of the torch, were opened. I took the precaution of putting on the rubber gloves before starting on this stage