Page:The Death-Doctor.djvu/33

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"Oh, ho!" he laughed, "and they suspect some of us, do they? Well, we can only offer to be searched—eh?" Glancing at me: "You don't mind, do you, d'Escombe? You haven't been a naughty boy—have you?"

"Not I," I said, "I don't steal jewels." And I smiled grimly.

"Very well, then;—here, garçon!"

A sleek, obsequious waiter appeared.

"Ask the manager if he will speak to me," said my employer.

He was always obeyed, this tall, slight, quietly spoken man, and the waiter appeared in a few moments with the Pole.

"Look here," exclaimed my employer; "we want to be off. Can't we be searched and go? I'm quite willing to set the example, although I haven't been in the hotel all the evening. And this lady and gentleman," nodding at us, "are also anxious to clear their characters."

"The police have just arrived, Signore," replied the manager, who looked most uncomfortable and unhappy. He beckoned to a quietly dressed little man who had just entered the room. "This gentleman, M'sieur Featherson, and his party, wish to be searched, and thus set an example for all the guests," he explained.