Page:The Decameron of the West (1839).djvu/166

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ceal himself, in a few days the lady of his love came as usual to water her flowers, and Francis saw the beloved form of Meta reflected at full length in his enchanting mirror. He also walked near her while she was going to church, but this Mother Brigitta perceiving, ceased altogether to be an inmate of the narrow lane, and the love-lorn swain, in bitter dismay, saw reflected in his mirror only the blocked up windows of an empty house, instead of the features of his mistress. These young persons had only exchanged looks, and not a word had been spoken on either side, yet they were both conscious of entertaining for each other the most deeply cherished affection. In the new neighbourhood towards which Mother Brigitta had dragged her reluctant daughter dwelt a smart widower, the richest brewer in Bremen, known by the name of the “King of Hops.” He was now in quest of a second helpmate, and soon made choice of our heroine. He made proposals to her mother at a time when Meta was absent. His overtures were joyfully accepted, and the worthy dame awaited anxiously her daughter’s arrival to declare her brilliant prospects. In these days the most implicit obedience to the will of their parents was observed on the part of young women in matrimonial unions. Poor Meta’s sorrow