Page:The Decameron of the West (1839).djvu/186

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On the following morning the dwelling of the lovely bride was like an annual fair. The bridegroom sent thither a whole band of trades-people,—jewellers, dressmakers, venders of lace, shoemakers, &c., both to offer their wares and their services to Meta. Her lover caused to be brought to her during the whole of that day silks, varieties of lace, and other articles of wedding paraphernalia, so that her elegant foot, finely formed arm, and slender waist, were as often and as carefully measured, as if an ingenious sculptor had designed to take her figure as the model of a Venus which he was about to execute. All things were now arranged preparatory to the nuptials, and Mother Briggitta might be seen weaving the bridal garland for her beloved daughter, while the utmost joy and innocent maternal pride beamed in her countenance. This worthy dame was well rewarded in the latter part of her life, for the patient industry which had characterized her former career. And, as the ne plus ultra of Mother Briggitta’s enjoyments, she beheld with no small delight, that the bridal pomp and magnificence exhibited at the celebration of the nuptials of Neighbour Francis and the lovely Meta, far outshone in splendour all that had been witnessed on a similar occasion, viz. that of the second marriage of the King of Hops.