Page:The Defence of Poesie - Sidney (1595).djvu/64

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The Defence of Poesie.

a more accomplished iudgement, more firmly builded vpō vertue: I say these with numbers of others, not onely to read others Poesies, but to poetise for others reading; that Poesie thus embraced in all other places, should onely finde in our time a hard welcome in England. I thinke the verie earth laments it, and therefore deckes our soyle with fewer Lawrels then it was accustomed. For heretofore, Poets haue in England also flourished: and which is to be noted, euen in those times when the Trumpet of Mars did sonnd lowdest. And now that an ouer faint quietnesse should seeme to strowe the house for Poets. They are almost in as good reputation, as the Mountebanckes at Venice. Truly euen that, as of the one side it giueth great praise to Poesie, which like Venus (but to better purpose) had rather be troubled in the net with Mars, then enioy the homely quiet of Vulcan. So serueth it for a peece of a reasō, why they are lesse gratefull to idle England, which now can scarce endure the paine of a penne. Vpon this necessarily followeth, that base men with seruill wits vndertake it, who thinke it inough if they can be rewarded of the Printer: and so as Epaminandas is said with the honor of his vertue to haue made an Office, by his exercising it, which before was contemtible, to become highly respected: so these men no more but setting their names to it, by their own disgracefulnesse, disgrace the most gracefull Poesie. For now as if all the Muses were got with childe, to bring forth bastard Poets: without any commission, they do passe ouer the Bankes of Helicon, till they make the Readers more wearie then Post-horses: while in the meanetime,