Page:The Destruction of Poland - Toynbee - 1916.djvu/23

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The Destruction of Poland

wholesale establishment of the Committee, from December to June, was 1,500,000 roubles.

"3. Three hundred schools for small children.

"4. All public educational institutions (libraries, people's halls, etc.) and the civic guard (special constables). Eleven inspectorates of this guard were dissolved, whereby about 6,000 special constables were prevented from doing their duty and the Government of Warsaw left without any police protection.

"5. 100 centres of food-distribution.

"6. A refugee bureau which helped about 8,000 people.

"7. The valuation of losses caused by the destruction of estates and villages was also stopped. This step is favourable to the Russian Government, which, on the basis of the valuations of the Central Citizens' Committee, has already paid 7,000,000 roubles compensation.

"8. The sanitary activity was stopped. About 20 hospitals and 30 dispensaries had to close their doors. Vaccination of the inhabitants had to be stopped, also the sanitary inspection of shops and goods, hospital buildings, baths and wells.

"9. About 150 tea-houses and places for distributing hot water had to close.

"10. All the district councils in the whole Government were closed.

"11. The rebuilding of the destroyed villages and towns, on which the Central Citizens' Committee had spent hundreds of thousands of roubles, was stopped.

"12. Every district council had a co-opera-