Page:The Devil's Kingdom.djvu/5

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Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1874 and 1875, by SIMON M. LANDIS, M. D. in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.



SCENE I. — Garden of Eden. Mr. Preacher, and entire Company, in neat modern attire. Angels in the clouds.


Mr. Preacher.—Friends, we have a delightful time! Here all is natural, beautiful and lovable! The great Creator has vouchsafed unto us, his innocent children, all the necessaries of life, and as long as we continue to obey His laws, we shall retain our pristine beauty, health and genuine happiness; but if we become violators of the laws of our natures, we shall fall from grace of body and soul! Therefore, I exhort each one of you to remain true and faithful to our inheritance, when our souls shall forever sing intuitive praises to Him, who rejoices in the acts of the guileless, and who will not permit evil to come into our midst.

Oh the contrary, if you should even doubt in your minds, that perpetual peace and joy should abide with us, you would instantly detect the abnormal spirit — The Evil one would present himself in our midst.

[Several in the Company shout, whilst pointing to one spot.]
Company.— Behold, yonder Serpent! [All shudder.]

Mr. P.— Hearken, unto me! you who have first observed that tempter, have doubted in your inner souls, hence, have invited Satan to appear before your eyes in the shape of yonder Serpent! and permit me to say, that you are the cause of each one of our children beholding his demoniacal form!

I therefore, pray you, shut your senses against this monster, who if he is not summarily cut down, will swallow you all up in victory.

[Dolorous sounds without, with thunder and lightning. Enter Devil and Imps with a rush. Angels disappear. All the people fall upon their knees in pitiful and fearful terror. Devil and Imps act victorious, soul-harrowing sounds, fire and brimstone. Tableau.]