Page:The Dial (Volume 63).djvu/10

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Flecker, James Elroy. The Collected Poems of 18

Flecker, James Elroy. The King of Alsander 896

Foote, Mary Hallock. Edith Bonham 112

Foster, William T. Should Students Study? 69

Fox, John. Jr. In Happy Valley 464

France, Anatole. The Human Tragedy 631

Freeman, John. The Moderns 164

Freud, Sigmund. Delusion and Dream 686

Frothingham, Paul Revere. A Confusion of Tongues 636

Fuess, Claude M. An Old New England School 408

Gale, Zona. A Daughter of the Morning 681

Galsworthy, John. Beyond 272

Garrison, Theodosia. The Dreamers and Other Poems 618

Gerard, James W. My Four Years in Germany 460

German Deserter's War Experience. A 401

Gerould. Gordon Hall. Peter Sanders, Retired 78

Gibbons, Herbert Adams. The Reconstruction of Poland and the Near East 688

Gibbs, Winifred Stuart. The Minimum Cost of Living: A Study of Families of Limited Income in New York City 861

Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson. Collected Poems 463

Glaspell, Susan. Trifles 686

Gleason, Arthur. Inside the British Isles 16

Gleason, Arthur. Our Part in the Great War 849

Gleason, Herbert W. Through the Year with Thoreau 466

Godfrey, Thomas. The Prince of Parthia: A Tragedy 216

Goldman, Mayer C. The Public Defender 80

Gorky, Maxim. In the World 164

Gome, Edmund. The Life of Algernon Charles Swinburne 21

Graham, Stephen. Russia in 1916 266

Grandgent, Charles Hall. The Ladies of Dante's Lyrics 627

Greenough, C. N. and W. C. Hersey. English Composition 410

Gribble, Francis. Women in War 166

Hall. G. Stanley. Jesus, the Christ, in the Light of Psychology 70

Halsey, Francis W. Balfour, Vivian! and Joffre 694

Hamilton, Cosmo. Scandal 864

Hammond, J. L. and Barbara. The Town Labourer 642

Hancock, H. Irving. Physical Training for Business Men 466

Hankey, Donald. A Student in Arms 218

Hannay, David. Porfirio Dia> 279

Harben, Will N. The Triumph 402

Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. No. 13 Rue du Bon Diable. . 697

Harris, H. Wilson. President Wilson from an English Point of View 842

Harrison, Joseph LeRoy, Chosen by William Haynes and Camp-Fire Verse 629

Harvey, Alexander. William Dean Howells: A Study of the Achievement of a Literary Artist 831

Haslett, Harriet Holmes. Dolores of the Sierra and Other One Act Plays 686

Hastings, Thomas, Ralph Adams Cram, and Claude Bragdon. Six Lectures on Architecture (Scammon Lectures. 1916) 110

Hawthorne, Hildegarde. Rambles in Old College Towns 634

Hay, Ian. The Oppressed English 461

Haynes, William, and Joseph LeRoy Harrison. Chosen by.

Camp-Fire Verse 629

Hasen, Charles Downer. The French Revolution and Napoleon 80

Healy, William. Mental Conflicts and Misconduct 219

Heath, Arthur George. Letters of Arthur George Heath 218

Hergesheimer, Joseph. The Three Black Pennies 648

Henderson, Lawrence J. The Order of Nature 628

Hersey, F. W. C. C. N. Greenough and. English Composition 410

Hewes, Amy, and Henrietta R. Walter. Women as Munition Makers 838

Higginson, Ella. Alaska: The Great Country 860

Hill, Marion. McAllister's Grove 74

Hobson, John A. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism 467

Hodgson, Ralph. Poems 160

Hoffenstein, Samuel. Life Sings a Song 66

Hollingworth, H. L., and A. T. Poffenberger. The Sense of Taste 409

Hoppin, Joseph Clark. Euthymides and his Fellows 689

Hough, Emerson. The Broken Gate 647

Howe, E. W. Story of a Country Town 647

Hubbard, G. E. From the Persian Gulf to Ararat 894

Hughes, Rupert. We Can't Have Everything 468

Humphreys, Frank Landon. Life and Times of David Humphreys 462

Huneker, James. Unicorns 844

Hungerford, Edward. The Railroad Problem 8*8

Ingpen, Arthur Robert. An Ancient Family 686

Irwin, Wallace. Pilgrims into Folly 408

Irwin, Will The Latin at War 848

James, George Wharton. Arizona the Wonderland 644

James, Henry. The Ivory Tower. The Sense of the Past 679

James, Herman G. Municipal Functions 276

Jensen, Wilhelm. Gradiva 636

Jones, W. Tudor. The Spiritual Ascent of Man 687

Joyce, Thomas A. Central American and West Indian Archaeology 467

Judson, Katherine Berry. Myths and Legends of British North America 461

Keith, A. Berriedale. The Mythology of All Races. Vol. VI: Indian 168

Kellcy, Ethel M. Turn About Eleanor 468

Kellogg, Charlotte. Women of Belgium 277

Kernahan, Coulson. In Good Company 847

Kester, Paul. His Own Country 168

Kilmer, Joyce. Main Street and Other Poems 613

King, Basil. The High Heart 463

King, D. Macdougall. The Battle with Tuberculosis and How to Win It 460

Koebel, W. H. British Exploits in South America 67

Krehbiel, Henry Edward. A Second Book of Operas

Kuser, John Dryden. The Way to Study Birds 362

Laidler. Harry M.. Edited by William English Walling and State Socialism Pro and Con 111

Langner, Lawrence. Another Way Out 686

Lauck, W. Jett. and Edgar Sydenstricker. Conditions of Labor in American Industries 860

Laufer, Berthold. The Beginnings of Porcelain in China 70

Lee, A. H. E., Chosen by D. H. S. Nicholson and The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse 207

Leith, Mrs. Disney. Algernon Charles Swinburne 276

Leslie, Henrietta. Where Runs the River 74

Le Strange, Hamon. Le Strange Records 636

Lethbridge. Marjorie and Alan. The Soul of the Russian 199

Levi, N. A Character Sketch of General The Hon. J. C. Smuts 848

Lewinski-Corwin, Edward H. The Political History of Poland i 683

Lewis, Sinclair. The Innocents 631

Life of Lazarillo de Tormes 216

Lindsay, Vachel. The Chinese Nightingale 688

Lippincott, H. M. Early Philadelphia 693

Locke, William J. The Red Planet 162

Lodge, Sir Oliver. Raymond, or Life and Death 164

Long, William J. Outlines of English and American Literature 862

Loti, Pierre. War 400

Lowell, Amy. Tendencies in Modern American Poetry 444

Lucas, St. John. April Folly 78

Macbeth, Madge. Kleath 78

Mace, Arthur C., and Herbert E. Winlock. The Tomb of Senebtisi at Lisht 69

MacFarlane, Charles. Reminiscences of a Literary Life 618

MacKay, Helen. Journal of Small Things 29

Mackaye, Percy. Community Drama

Maclean, Stuart. Alexis 281

MacQuarrie, Hector. How to Live at the Front 689

Maher, Richard Aumerle. Gold Must be Tried by Kin- 11.

Marcosson, Isaac F. The War after the War 213

Mare, Walter de la. Peacock Pie 160

Maaefleld. John. Lollingdon Downs 66

Mathews, John Mabry. Principles of American State Administration 71

Mathews, Shailer. The Spiritual Interpretation of History (William B. Noble Lectures, 1916) 200

Maupassant, Guy de. The Second Odd Number. A Collection 74

McCabe, Joseph. The Pope's Favorite 118

McKcnna. Stephen. Sonia: Between Two Worlds 280

McLaren, A. D. Germanism from Within 401

Merwin, Samuel Temperamental Henry 464

Miller, Alice Duer. Ladies Must Live 864

Mills, Enos A. Your National Parks 116

Monro, Harold. Strange Meetings 160

Moore, Clifford HerscheL Religious Thought of the

Greeks from Homer to the Triumph of Christianity 467

Moorehead, Warren K. Stone Ornaments of the American Indians 468

Morley, Christopher. Parnassus on Wheels 408

Morse, Edward S. Japan Day by Day 691