Page:The Dial (Volume 68).djvu/928

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Don Folquet and Other Poems, by Thomas Walsh (12mo, 135 pages; John Lane), gives the picturesque tale of the troubadour-zealot with appropriately embroidered trappings. Romantic narrative seems best to suit this poet's rather ponderous hand. The lyrics of the collection are barren and the humorous pieces cumbersome and pathetic.
Chords from Albireo, by Danford Barney (8vo, 100 pages; Lane), has the mechanics of verse, but little of the content of poetry. Mr. Barney attempts to reach the-emotions by playing leapfrog over the intellect, a form of calisthenics too muscular to be much of an inspiration.
Songs from the Journey, by Wilton Agnew Barrett (12mo, 93 pages; Doran), is a first volume of more than the conventional promise. Mr. Barrett discourses about Man, Beauty, New York, and the other eternal entities with appealing delicacy; he likes nice things in a nice way, but except in one or two places he fails of achieving poetry through a lack of ultimate conviction.
The Hesitant Heart, by Winifred Welles (12mo, 56 pages; Huebsch), throbs between rose-coloured covers, but not so faintly as either its title or its binding might make one believe. Miss Welles' verse is distinguished by lyrism, rather than by imagery, by delicacy, rather than intensity, but the distinction is certainly present. It is obviously the verse of a woman, with the sentiment and the softness that that implies. Yet it is at once lucid and sensitive, and in such a poem as Humiliation shows a promise of greater power.
Practical Fly Fishing, by Larry St. John (16mo, illustrated; 175 pages; Macmillan), starts off historically with a reference to angling found—appropriately enough—in the Book of Job, and finishes technically with all manner of concise and valuable hints concerning tackle, flies, and casting. A chapter on Strategy is particularly illuminating. Its frank and detailed revelation of the life and habits of the bass would inevitably lead to the book's suppression, if fish had any influence in that direction.