Page:The Dial (Volume 73).djvu/16

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de Nerval, Gerard. James Whitall, translator. Daughters of Fire 233

Dennis, Geoffrey. Mary Lee 456

Deutsch, Babette, and Avrahm Yarmolinsky, translators Modern Russian Poetry 114

Doren, Carl Van. See Van Doren.

Downey, June E., and Edwin E. Slosson. Plots and Personalities 459

Eliot, T. S. Poems 685

Eliot, T. S. The Sacred Wood 555, 685

Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land 611, 685

Farmer, John S., and W. E. Henley. A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English 459

Fay, Sidney Bradshaw, translator. World History, 1815-1920, by Eduard Fueter 684

Ferrero, Guglielmo. The Hon. Lady Whitehead, translator. The Ruin of Ancient Civilization and The Triumph of Christianity 115

Ficke, Arthur Davison. Mr. Faust 235

Fisher, Henry W. Abroad With Mark Twain and Eugene Field 236

Frank, Waldo. City Block.—Rahab 449

Freeman, John. Music: Lyrical and Narrative Poems 108

Freeman, John. A Portrait of George Moore in a Study of his Work 664

Fueter, Eduard. Sidney Bradshaw Fay, translator. World History, 1815-1920 684

Furness, Horace Howard. Horace Furness Jayne, editor. The Letters of Horace Howard Furness 783

Fyfe, Hamilton. The Widow's Cruse 112

Garnett, Edward. Friday Nights 581

Gerould, Katharine Fullerton. Lost Valley 112

Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de. See de Goncourt.

Gourmont, Rent de. See de Gourmont.

Graves, Charles L. Mr. Punch's History of Modern England 458

Gregory, Lady Augusta. The Image and Other Plays 572

Grey, Zane. To the Last Man 113

Harrison, Frederic. Novissima Verba: Last Words 459

Hart, Francis Russell. Admirals of the Caribbean 580

Henley, W. E., and John S. Farmer. A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English 459

PPsc|Hergesheimer, Joseph.}} The Bright Shawl 579

Howarp, Joun, translator. Mr. Antiphilos, Satyr, by DE Goumom .. . 233

Howe, A. DE WoLre. Memories of a Hostess . . . . . 684

HrBROVA, SARKA B, editor. Czechoslovak Stories . . . . . . . . . . 113

Hurchinson, A.S. M. ThisFreedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . abo

Hv'rcmnsou VERE. Sea Wrack . . O - 1. )

HyaAMmsoN, ALBERT M. A Dictionary of Engllsh Phrases . e e . . . . . . 4%

JAckson, HoLeroOK. The Eighteen Nineties . . .o . . 574

Jayne, Horace Furness, editor. The Letters of Horace Howard Furness . . . 68 3

JEFFERY, JEFFERY E. Escape . e e e e e e e oo ... 682

Jonnson, CLirroN. John Burroughs Talks : . . . . 683

Jounson, James WELDoON, editor. The Book of Amerlcan Negro Poetry .. . . 236

Jovce, James. Ulysses . . . .. . . 434

Kay, CHARLES DE. See De Kay

LAGcerLOF, SELMA. W. W, WORSTER, translator. TheOutcast . . . . . . . 354

Laing, B.M. A Studyin Moral Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677

Lracock, STEPHEN. My Discovery of England O § &

Lewis, SincLAIR. Babbitt . . Y {

LEWIS WiLmarTH. Tutors’ Lane . ce . . . . . 681

WaLTER. Liberty and the News. —Public Opxmon . e e . . . .o o219

LoFrTINgG, HUGH The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle . . . e e e . . . . 582

LoNGgreELLow, ERNEST WADswOrRTH. Random Memories . . . . . . . . 459

LoNGSTRETH, T. Morris. The Laurentians . O § 1

Lyw~p, Roeert. The Sporting Life and Other Triffes . . . . . . . . . . 581

McCormick, Virginia Taylor. Star-Dust and Gardens 458

McKenna, Stephen. The Confessions of a Well-Meaning Woman 681

McMichael, Charles B., translator. Prosas Profanas, by Rusen Darío 354

Madariaga, Salvador de. See de Madariaga.