Page:The Dial (Volume 73).djvu/229

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"Od's life, must one swear to the truth of a song?"


Unlike that aged Teian boaster
And those who ape his senile lies,
I cannot show a monstrous roster
Of ladies captive to my eyes.

Yet five or six I might discover
(Did grateful prudence not restrain)
Who felt a pleasure-giving lover
Should not be cut, but come again.

If this were ill, may they forgive me;
They never seemed to take alarm;
Whate'er John Wesley says, believe me,
Women know best what does them harm.


Euphemia studies law, Aminta
Inspects the ailments of the poor,
Eudocia prays and Araminta
Numbers the stars on heaven's floor;
Yet Chloe for my mistress I decree
Whose only art is artless love of me.

'Tis not the statute binds together,
Physic ignores the wounds we share,
Love works in dull or starry weather
And nakedness suits not with prayer;
Then let your learning, Chloe, still consist
In all the various ways of being kist.