Page:The Dial (Volume 76).djvu/271

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March 1924

Rue à Nesles Water-colour - Maurice de Vlaminck

Death in Venice - Thomas Mann 213

Psychology and Common Sense - Thomas Craven 236

Three Water-colours - John Marin

A Motley Pantheon - Bertrand Russell 243

John of Belgrade -Leonard Doughty 246

Charles Spencer Chaplin - E. E. Cummings

In a Dance - Jessica Nelson North 249

The sorrows of Avicenna - G. Santayana 250

Nocturne - Robert Hillyer 256

Boy Stealing Forbidden Fruit Oil - Yasuo Kuniyoshi

The Definition of Comedy - Herbert Read 257

Vision - Mabel Simpson 264

Irish Life Black and Whites - Jack B. Yeats

Paris Letter - Paul Morand 265

Book Reviews:

Horses and Men - Robert Morss Lovett 274

Mrs Wharton's Age of Faith - Edmund Wilson 277

Aubrey Beardlwy - A. E. Gallatin 280

The Lady Stuffed With Pistachio Nuts - Carl Van Vechten 283

Briefer Mention 287

Comment - The Editor 291

The Theatre - Gilbert Seldes 293

Modern Art - Henry McBride 295

Musical Chronicle - Paul Rosenfeld 298

50 cents a copy