Page:The Dialogues of Plato v. 1.djvu/169

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The arrival of Protagoras.

Socrates, Companion, Hippocrates.
Soc. A foreigner.

Com. Of what country ?

Soc. Of Abdera.

Com. And is tliis stranger really in your opinion a fairer love than the son of Cleinias ?

The fairer is the wiser, and the wisest of all men is Protagoras. Soc. And is not the wiser always the fairer, sweet friend ?

Com. But have you really met, Socrates, with some wise one?

Soc. Say rather, with the wisest of all living men, if you are willing to accord that title to Protagoras.

Com. What ! Is Protagoras in Athens ?

Soc. Yes ; he has been here two days.

Com. And do you just come from an interview with him ?

Soc. Yes; and I have heard and said many things. 310

Com. Then, if you have no engagement, suppose that you sit down and tell me what passed, and my attendant here shall give up his place to you.

Soc. To be sure ; and I shall be grateful to you for listening.

Com. Thank you, too, for telling us.

Soc. That is thank you twice over. Listen then:—

He is actually in Athens, and Hippocrates has come to bring the good news to Socrates. Last night, or rather very early this morning, Hippocrates, the son of Apollodorus and the brother of Phason, gave a tremendous thump with his staff at my door ; some one opened to him, and he came rushing in and bawled out : Socrates, are you awake or asleep ?

I knew his voice, and said : Hippocrates, is that you ? and do you bring any news ?

Good news, he said ; nothing but good.

Delightful, I said ; but what is the news ? and why have you come hither at this unearthly hour ?

He drew nearer to me and said : Protagoras is come.

Yes, I replied ; he came two days ago : have you only just heard of his arrival ?

Yes, by the gods, he said ; but not until yesterday evening.

At the same time he felt for the truckle-bed, and sat down at my feet, and then he said : Yesterday quite late in the evening, on my return from Oenoe whither I had gone in pursuit of my runaway slave Satyrus, as I meant to have told

you, if some other matter had not come in the way;—on my