Page:The Dialogues of Plato v. 1.djvu/245

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A new importation of Sophists.
Socrates, Crito.The various accomplishments of Euthydemus and Dionysodorus.

Soc. As to their origin, I believe that they are natives of this part of the world, and have migrated from Chios to Thurii ; they were driven out of Thurii, and have been living for many years past in these regions. As to their wisdom, about which you ask, Crito, they are wonderful — consummate ! I never knew what the true pancratiast was before ; they are simply made up of fighting, not like the two Acarnanian brothers who fight with their bodies only, but this pair of heroes, besides being perfect in the use of their bodies, are invincible in every sort of warfare; for they 272 are capital at fighting in armour, and will teach the art to any one who pays them; and also they are most skilful in legal warfare ; they will plead themselves and teach others to speak and to compose speeches which will have an effect upon the courts. And this was only the beginning of their wisdom, but they have at last carried out the pancratiastic art to the very end, and have mastered the only mode of fighting which had been hitherto neglected by them ; and now no one dares even to stand up against them : such is their skill in the war of words, that they can refute any proposition whether true or false. Now I am thinking, Crito, of placing myself in their hands ; for they say that in a short time they can impart their skill to any one.

Cri. But, Socrates, are you not too old ? there may be reason to fear that.

Socrates thinks that he is not too old to become their pupil. Soc. Certainly not, Crito ; as I will prove to you, for I have the consolation of knowing that they began this art of disputation which I covet, quite, as I may say, in old age ; last year, or the year before, they had none of their new wisdom. I am only apprehensive that I may bring the two strangers into disrepute, as I have done Connus the son of Metrobius, the harp-player, who is still my music-master ; for when the boys who go to him see me going with them, they laugh at me and call him grandpapa's master. Now I should not like the strangers to experience similar treatment ; the fear of ridicule may make them unwilling to receive me; and therefore, Crito, I shall try and persuade some old men to accompany me to them, as I persuaded them to go with me to Connus, and 1 hope that you will make one : and perhaps we had better take your sons as a bait; they will want to