Page:The Dialogues of Plato v. 1.djvu/580

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Apollodorus, who repeats to
his companion the dialogue
which he had heard from
Aristodemus, and had
already once narrated to

A Troop of Revellers

Scene:—The House of Agathon.

Steph. 172 Symposium.
Apollodorus, Glaucon.
CONCERNING the things about which you ask to be informed I believe that I am not ill-prepared with an answer. For the day before yesterday I was coming from my own home at Phalerum to the city, and one of my acquaintance, who had caught a sight of me from behind, calling out playfully in the distance, said : Apollodorus, O thou Phalerian [1] man, halt! The speeches delivered at the banquet of Agathon. So I did as I was bid ; and then he said, I was looking for you, Apollodorus, only just now, that I might ask you about the speeches in praise of love, which were delivered by Socrates, Alcibiades, and others, at Agathon's supper. Phoenix, the son of Philip, told another person who told me of them ; his narrative was very indistinct, but he said that you knew, and I wish that you would give me an account of them. Who, if not you, should be the reporter of the words of your friend? And first tell me, he said, were you present at this meeting? Your informant, Glaucon, I said, must have been very

  1. Probably a play of words on φαλαρὸς, 'bald-headed.'