Page:The Dialogues of Plato v. 1.djvu/610

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The truth about Love.

Socrates, Agathon.

The truth about Love. 571 Then, said Socrates, he desires that what he has at Sym- present may be preserved to him in the future, which is P"""'"- equivalent to saying that he desires something which is non- Socratks, existent to him, and which as yet he has not got : Very true, he said. Then he and every one wlio desires, desires that which he has not already, and which is future and not present, and which he has not, and is not, and of which he is in want; - these are the sort of things which love and desire seek ? Very true, he said. Then now, said Socrates, let us recapitulate the argument. Rooapitu- First, is not love of something, and of something too which is i*"°"°f*'=

°' ° argument.

wanting to a mar»?

201 Yes, he replied. Remember further what you said in your speech, or if you do not remember I will remind you : you said that the love of the beautiful set in order the empire of the gods, for that of deformed things there is no love — did you not say some- thing of that kind ? Yes, said Agathon. Yes, my friend, and the remark was a just one. And if this is true, Love is the love of beauty and not of deformity? He assented. And the admission has been already made that Love is of something which a man wants and has not ? True, he said. Then Love wants and hg.s not beauty ? Certainly, he replied. And would you call that beautiful which wants and does Theconciu- 1 , •:» sion is, that not possess beauty? ^ love is not Certainly not. ' beautiful Then would you still say that love is beautiful? the'beauti- Agathon replied : I fear that I did not understand what I fui, and was saying. ?^^ '!f , . •^ ° ^ beautiful is You made a very good speech, Agathon, replied Socrates ; the good. but there is yet one small question which I would fain ask : — Is not the good also the beautiful ? Yes. Then in wanting the beautiful, love wants also the good?