Page:The Diothas, or, A far look ahead (IA diothasorfarlook01macn).pdf/325

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timidly and doubtingly towards mine. So deeply was she humiliated in her self-esteem, that, as she afterwards confided to me, she almost doubted her worthiness. The yearning entreaty she read in my eyes removed her hesitation.

"To-morrow, then," said her father, on receiving her blushing assent, "to-morrow you shall enter the ranks of the zeruan. We have said all that is necessary in regard to this matter. It breaks up our pleasant company. Let us enjoy the few hours that remain before our separation."

On the following morning, accordingly, Reva and I entered the second stage of courtship. In the presence of a large company of relatives,—my mother was not present, but sent her heartfelt congratulations,—I placed the betrothal-ring upon the engaged finger of that dear hand, which trembled in mine as I did so, and received from her a ring in return. After receiving the congratulations of those present, I gave the blushing zerua the kiss of betrothal, and set out at once on my journey to Salu.

According to the fixed custom of the period, I was now banished from the place of residence of my betrothed for the space of a year. The rest of the world was before me, but from the one spot most dear to me I was debarred inexorably as Adam from paradise. There was but one relaxation from this severe rule. Custom did not forbid our meeting anywhere beyond the bounds of her native district. But this was a privilege dependent entirely upon the judgment of those to whom she owed obedience.

Much as I chafed at first at what I considered as the excessive harshness of this custom, I soon began to ap-