Page:The Diothas, or, A far look ahead (IA diothasorfarlook01macn).pdf/89

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Chapter IX.
A Proposal.

The breakfast to which we sat down it is not necessary to characterize more fully than by saying that it fairly matched the dinner of the previous evening, Except in the absence of wines, the repast reminded me of an artistically prepared déjeuner à la fourchette where quality rather than quantity was the aim.

The ladies, bright-eyed and cheerful from exercise, and rosy from the morning bath, lent sparkle to the conversation. No one, seeing their fresh and elegant costumes, would have imagined them to have spent three active hours in the labors of a factory-hand. Nor must it be thought that these labors had been performed in a perfunctory manner. Whatever these people did, they did with all their might. The labor of the early morning was entered into with the zest inspired among us by athletic exercises alone. Even the children, so well bred and neat, had been three hours already out of bed, attending to certain small household duties appropriate to their age.

I was somewhat mystified, during breakfast, by hearing strains of magnificent music, which proceeded evidently from a full orchestra. At times the sound appeared to