Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/104

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of a new World.

centricorum & epicyclorum positio, nec aliquis est ex Mathematicis adeo stultus qui veram illam existimet. "The position of Excentricks and Epicycles is altogether impossible, nor is there any Mathematician such a foole as to thinke it true." I should guesse hee could not have knowledge enough to maintaine any other Hypothesis who was so ignorant in Mathematicks, as to deny that any good Authour held this. For I would faine know whether there were never any that thought the Heavens to be solid bodies, and that there were such kindes of motion as is by those feined Orbes supplyed; if so, then Cæsar la Galla was much mistaken. I thinke his assertions are equally true, that Galilæus and Keplar did not hold this, and that there were none which ever held that other.

But in my following discourse I shall most insist on the observation of Galilæus, the inventour of
