Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/122

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of a new World.

Proposition 8.

The spots represent the Sea, and the brighter parts the Land.

WHen I first compared the nature of our earth and water with those appearances in the Moone; I concluded contrary to the proposition, that the brighter parts represented the water, and the spots the land; of this opinion likewise was Keplar at the first; but my second thoughts, and the reading of others, [1] have now convinced me (as after he was) of the truth of that Proposition which I have now set downe. But before I come to the confirmation of it, I shall mention those scruples which at first made mee doubt of the truth of this opinion.

1. It may be objected, 'tis probable, if there be any such sea and land as ours, that it bears some proportion and similitude with ours: but now this Proposition takes a-

  1. Opt. Astro. c. 6. num. 9. Dissert. cum nuncio Gal.