Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/179

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The discovery

bodies that move round about him.

But it may seeme a very difficult thing to conceive, how so grosse and darke a body as our earth, should yeeld such a cleare light as proceeds from the Moone, and therefore the Cardinall de Cusa[1] (who thinkes every Starre to be a severall world) is of opinion that the light of the Sunne is not able to make them appeare so bright, but the reason of their shining is, because wee behold them at a great distance through their regions of fire which doe set a shining lustre upon those bodies that of themselves are darke. Vnde si quis esset extra regionem ignis terra ista in circumferentia suæ regionis per medium ignis lucido stella appareret. "So that if a man were beyond the region of fire, this earth would appeare through that as a bright Starre." But if this were the onely reason then would the Moone bee

  1. De doct. ig. l. 2. c. 12.
