Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/202

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of a new World.

day in the yeere 1605 there was a certaine blackish spot discerned in the Northerly part of the Moone, being darker than any other part of her body and representing the colour of red hot yron; you might conjecture that it was some dilated cloud being pregnant with showers, for thus doe much lower clouds appeare from the tops of high mountaines."

Unto this I may adde another testimony of Bapt.Cisatus, as he is quoted by Nicrembergius[1], grounded upon an observation taken 23. yeeres after this of Mæslin, and writ to this Euseb. Nicremberg. in a letter by that diligent and judicious Astronomer. The words of it runne thus: Et quidem in eclipsi nupra solari quæ fuit ipso die natali Christi, observavi clarè in luna soli supposita, quidpiam quod valde probat id ipsum quod Cometæ quoque & maculæ solares urgent, nempe cœlum non esse

  1. Hist. Nat. l. 2. c. 11
à tenut