Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/60

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of a new World.

vance it, shewing a compendium of providence, that could make the same body a world, and a Moone; a world for habitation, and a Moone for the use of others, and the ornament of the whole frame of Nature. For as the members of the body serve not onely for the preservation of themselves, but for the use and conveniency of the whole, as the hand protects the head as well as saves it selfe,[1] so is it in the parts of the Universe, where each one may serve as well for the conservation of that which is within it, as the helpe of others without it.

I have now in some measure, shewed that a plurality of worlds does not contradict any principle of reason or place of Scripture, and so cleared the first part of that supposition which is applied in the opinion.

It may next be enquired; whether ’tis possible there may be a globe of elements in that which

  1. Cusanus de doct. ignor. l. 2. c. 12.