Page:The Divine Pymander (1650).djvu/237

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The 17th book of

14. Or is it juſat to aſcribe unto him alone, the Title and Appellation of God, or of the Maker, or of the Father, or all Three That of God, becauſe of his Power; the Maker, becauſe of his Working and Operation; and the Father, becauſe of his Goodneſs?

15. For Power is different from the things that are made, but Act or Operation, in that all things are made.

16. Wherefore, letting go all much and vain talking, we muſt underſtand theſe two things, That which is made, and him which is the Maker; for there is nothing in the middle, between theſe Two, nor is there any third.

17. Therefore underſtanding All things, remember theſe Two; and think that theſe are All things, puting nothing into doubt; neither of the things above, nor of the things below; neither of things changeable, nor things that are in darkneſs or ſecret.

18. For