Page:The Divine Pymander (1650).djvu/37

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Hermes Trismegistus.

Heads, thou canst not forget those things which in more words I have largely expounded unto thee; for these are the Contents or Abridgement of them

83 Avoyd all Conversation with the multitude or common People; for I would not have subject to Envy much less to be ridiculous unto the many

84 For the like always takes to it self that which is like, but the unlike never agrees with the unlike: Such Discourses as these have very few Auditors, and peradventure very few will have, but they have something peculiar unto themselves

85 They do rather sharpern and whet evil men to their maliciousness; therefore it behoveth to avoyd the multidude, and take heed of them as not understanding the vertue and power of the things