Page:The Divine Pymander (1650).djvu/45

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The second Book of

the Sensible World, whose Government or Disposition is called Fate or Destiny.

14. Straightway leaped out, or exalted it self from the downward born Elements of God, the Word of God, into the clean and pure Workmanship of Nature, and was united to a Workman, Minde, for it was Consubstantial; and so the downward born Elements of Nature were left without Reason, that they might be the onely Matter.

15. But the Workman, Minde, together with the Word, containing the Circles and Whirling them about, turned round as a Wheel his own Workmanships; and suffered them to be turned from an indefinite Begining, to an undeterminable End; for they always begin where they end.

16. And the Circulation or running round of these, as the Minde willeth, out of the lower or downward-born Elements brought forth unreasonable