Page:The Divine Pymander (1650).djvu/49

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The ſecond book of

27. And therefore being above all Harmony, he is made and become a ſervant to Harmony. And being Her- -maphrodite, or Male and Female, and watchful, he is governed by, and ſub- -jected to a Father, that is both Male and Female, and watchful.

28. After theſe things, I ſaid, Thou art my Minde, and I am in love with Reaſon.

29. Then ſaid Pimander, This is the Myſtery that to this day is hidden, and kept ſecret ; for Nature being mingled with Man, brought forth a Wonder moſt wonderful ; for he having the Nature of the Harmony of the Seven, from him whom I told thee, the Fire and the Spirit, Nature continued not, but forthwith brought forth ſeven Men all Males and Fe- -males,and ſublime,or on high, accord- -ing to the Natures of the Seven Go- -vernors.

30. And after theſe things, O Pomander, quoth I, I am now comeinto