Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/115

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The Second Coming of the Lord.

mas, old systems of philosophy, old theories of politics, old forms of government, old modes of education, old systems of medicine, old industrial processes, old methods of dispensing charity, old ideas on all subjects, are being everywhere summoned to judgment.

But these are external things, and illustrate but feebly the power and glory of the Second Coming. The grandest triumphs of the New Dispensation are not to be achieved in the outer world of matter, but in the inner world of mind. When the spiritual sense of God's Word really comes to us—that is, comes to be clearly perceived, acknowledged and felt—it searches the inner chambers of the soul as with a thousand candles of the Lord. It opens up the hitherto hidden depths of iniquity within us. It discloses the endless deceits and artifices and sinuosities of the unregenerate heart. It shows us our need of an almighty Saviour, and brings that Saviour very near. It shows us plainly of the Father; for it reveals, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the matchless and unspeakable love of God. It withdraws the veil that has so long hung over the spiritual world, and discloses the real nature of heaven and hell. It makes plain to every inquiring mind the great end for which we were created, and shows us beyond mistake the way in which that end is to be secured. It resolves the doubts of honest doubters