Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/54

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The Doctrines of the New Church.

of a woman as we were born; clothed with a body like our own; passing through the various states from infancy to manhood, through which we have to pass. And then we see Him consecrating his life to deeds of love and mercy; forgetful of Himself, and thoughtful only of other's good; not anxious to be served, but only to serve; continually going about doing good; healing the sick; feeding the hungry; befriending the friendless; strengthening the weak; enlightening the ignorant; compassionating the poor; sympathizing with the sorrowing; comforting the mourners; and helping all who needed help and were willing to receive it. We see Him meek and gentle under persecution; patient and resigned in suffering; forbearing when assailed with bitterest taunts; the constant friend of truth and right; the uncompromising foe of hypocrisy and wrong; "kind to the unthankful and to the evil;" loving and forgiving towards his enemies; and breathing out that ever-memorable prayer for his murderers with his last expiring breath.

Subjected to Human Conditions.

What a display of Divinity in humanity is this! We here see how God lived when He subjected Himself to our human conditions. This is the way He felt and thought and spoke and acted and suffered and forgave here in this ultimate