Page:The Dog.djvu/278

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Snowball, a celebrated greyhound, 32

Sore feet, causes of, 248; treatment, 249

Southern hound, description of the, 88

Spaniel, origin of the, 43; description of the, 43; Blenheim, 45; King Charles's, 44; Norfolk, 45; water, 45

Spanish pointer, description of the, 93

Spasmodic cough, nature and treatment of, 190

Spaying, mode of performing, 225

Spleen, functions of the, 213; diseases of the, 213

Springer, description of the, 45

Staghound, description of the, 86; anecdotes of the, 87

Staling, profuse, 217

Starch bandage, useful in fractures, 253

Stealing of dogs, 114

Stomach, anatomy and diseases of the, 194; case of the retention of a sharp instrument in the, 195

Strychnia, a valuable medicine in palsy, 127

Sulphur, the basis of applications for mange, 259; a good alterative, 259

Sumatra, description of the wild dog of, 19

Surfeit, an eruption resembling mange, 245

Swedish sacrifices of dogs, description of, 24

Sympathetic nerves, 106

Tænia, a species of worm, 218

Tailing, 112

Tape-worm, the, 218

Tapping in cases of dropsy, 207

Tartar emetic, a useful medicine, 257

Teeth, distinctive arrangement of the, 11; description of the, 177; cuts showing various stages of growth and decay, 178, 179; supernumerary, 179; diseases of the, 180; very early lost by the Turkish dog, 50

Teres, a species of worm, 218

Terrier, description of the, 101; training of the, 102; anecdotes of the, 102; Scotch, description of the, 103

Tetanus, causes of, 197; symptoms and treatment of, 198

Thibet dog, description of the, 17; cut of the, 13

Thigh, fracture of the, 25

Third division of varieties, 98

Thyroid cartilage, description of the, 181

Toes, sore, 249; number of, 249

Tongue, description of the, 175; mode of drinking, 175; worming, 175; blain, 176

Torsion, mode of performing, 222; forceps, 222

Training of the greyhound, 36; of the foxhound, 77; of the pointer or setter, 94

Trimmer, Mr., description of the Spanish sheep-dog, 61

Trunk, bones of the, 116

Tumour, phlegmonous, nature and treatment of, 184

Turkish dog, description of the, 50; greyhound, description of the, 41

Turnside, nature and treatment of, 118

Turnspit, description of the, 97

Turpentine, uses of, 259

Unguents, use of, in mange, 245

Unguiculata, a tribe of animals, 11

Uterus, case of inversion of the, 230 ; extirpation and cure, 230

Vagina, polypus in the, 167

Van Diemen Land, ravages of wild dogs in, 21

Varieties, three divisions of, 12; first division of, 13; second division of, 43; third division of, 98

Vatel, his observations on the pulse of different animals, 186

Vegetating excrescences in the ear, nature and treatment of, 164

Vermifuge, glass the most effectual, 219, 237

Vertebrated animals, what, 11

Vinegar, useful for fomentations, 255

Voice, change of in rabies, 138

Vyner, Mr., opinion on kennel lameness, 80

Warts, treatment of, 246

Washing of hounds disapproved of, 81

Watch-dog, frequent ill-usage of the, 113

Water-spaniel, description of the, 45; anecdotes of the, 47

Wild dog, description of the, 13; of Africa, 22; of Australia, 19; of Van Diemen Land, 21

Williamson, Captain, account of the wild dogs of Nepal, 15; on the degeneration of dogs in India, 15; description of the dhole, 16

Wolf, supposed to be the origin of the dog, 3; anecdotes of the, 3

Wolf-dog, Irish, 40 ; Italian, 66

Worming the tongue, a useless practice, 175

Worms, varieties of, 218; symptoms of, 219; means of expelling, 219; cases of, 219; a cause of sudden death, 220; causes of, 221; a cause of epilepsy, 119; a cause of distemper, 237

Yellow distemper, nature of, 235; treatment of, 239

Yellows, the, 211

Zinc, sulphate of, a valuable excitant, 259

Zoological classification of the dog, 11